Teaching Your Kids to Practice Self-Care

There are so many things you know you need to teach your kids, to set them up for a promising future, with the skills they need to solve problems and achieve worthwhile goals. But don’t forget, as you are helping your children with their practical skills and their education, to teach them how to carve out time and space for themselves. Read on for some tips from Matheaze Tutors.
Be a great role model
You are your children’s first teacher, and one of the main ways they’ll learn from you is by watching how you behave. So, if you’re going to inculcate good self-care habits in your kids, practice them yourself. Model how to do things like following safety rules, giving yourself time off, enjoying healthy pursuits, and making good nutritional decisions. Part of being a role model means talking to your kids about the choices you are making, and, as Odyssey notes, also taking ownership when you make a mistake.
Help them discover their interests
Help them discover their interests.
Kids who have interests and hobbies are less likely to get into trouble, and more likely to have healthy ways of relieving stress. Introduce them to different activities, crafts, sports, or areas of study and see what piques their interest. Then give them opportunities to learn or practice more. If your child is into sports, see about getting them onto a team. Even better, take them to see the pros, whether it’s the Houston Texans or the Astros. Such an excursion doesn’t have to break the bank, either, as you can get a good deal on Astros tickets, for example, by going online and getting seats.
If they love science, get them into online classes and take them to science centers. And don’t forget to take time to learn more about your child’s area of interest so you can discuss it with them.
Assure them that setting boundaries is just fine
Parents sometimes are so focused on teaching kids what they should and shouldn’t do, they may forget to also take time to talk with them about when it’s appropriate for them to say “no.” This is especially important when it comes to helping children to stay safe, but it can also be useful for showing them when it’s okay to take time for themselves and turn down invitations. It is a delicate balance, of course, since there are many situations in which following directions is important for a child’s well-being, but this should not be presented as a case of kids always needing to obey adults, no matter what. Child Mind Institute points out that teaching them to respect others’ boundaries, and to have empathy, can help with this.
Give them opportunities to explore and play
When kids are able to play freely they are able to develop their creative, planning, and problem-solving skills. So when you’re looking for a daycare for younger children, try to find one where creativity and exploration are valued.
Also, since outdoor play, in particular, gives them the chance to develop both gross and fine motor skills, and discover the joys of physical activity, it’s important to provide them with a space where they can get out and run around. If you don’t have access to your own lawn, going to a public park is a great idea. If you do have a lawn, make sure you keep it safely enclosed and well maintained. For younger kids, keep their play area properly child-proofed. And keep your outdoor area appealing to kids by maintaining a healthy lawn, regularly mowed and dethatched, and properly aerated.
Help your children form healthy habits
Getting your kids accustomed to daily physical activity is one way to support healthy habits, but there are other things you can do, too, such as helping them enjoy good nutritious foods and encouraging them to take joy in reading. Or if they are feeling anxious, help them calm down with an art project or coloring, or even a simple kid-friendly meditation ritual. When kids make good habits part of their daily life and enjoy them, they are less likely to become bored or seek out unsafe practices later in life. And they will have an array of genuinely helpful resources to fall back on when they are feeling anxious or overwhelmed.
Children who learn self-care techniques early on will be better equipped to be mature, empathetic, resilient adults. So right now, start helping them figure out what works well for them when they need to recharge, relax, or give themselves a break.
Matheaze Tutors helps make Math simple by working with parents and their children to help chart a course for their academic future through our relationships and partnerships with the local schools in their communities. Contact us for more information today!